Another year is well underway and with it comes the sense of a fresh start. New beginnings cause us to look forward and think about what we need to accomplish, at work, at home, or for our own personal growth. And with this perspective, we might often feel a bit of hope and anticipation that a positive change will be made and a long sought after goal will be achieved. But then, February sets in…….

How do you keep energy, focus and momentum on your goals as you progress through the year? Here are a few things that I have found to be helpful:

1)      Take time to articulate your long term vision

This one action item could be the subject of another blog and it will be. But for now, start with this question: what do you want?  When you are asked that question about your business, your team, your finances, or even your whole life, what do you see? Take the time to reflect on this. Write it down. Some people write it down as a “vision statement” and others may create a picture. It doesn’t really matter. What matters is that when you read it or look at it, you have something that resonates and sparks excitement about your future.

2)      Adopt a “less is more” perspective and focus on a few

This is a step that I have learned the hard way. So many times, I’ve created a long list of goals and then felt discouraged when I didn’t move towards them. Part of the challenge in setting goals is figuring out what NOT to do. Prioritize 3-5 goals that will move you towards your vision and focus on those.

3)      Break it down and write it down

You need to develop a plan to achieve the 3-5 goals that will move you towards the realization of your vision.  White down each of your goals, identify the main steps that it will take for you to accomplish each one and when you will get things done. With the vision clearly crafted, the “WHY” behind each of the goals is identified and can give you the motivation you need to keep going and stay focused.

4)      Take action

Schedule at least 3 actions each day that are important in order for you to accomplish in support of your goals. This may call for some discipline, willpower and “rolling up the sleeves” but this is when it is needed most. Do something. If procrastination is taking over, be honest about why. Are you reaching outside the comfort zone? All the more reason to take action.

5)      Measure your progress with an expanded timeline

In my experience, it may not feel like you are moving forward when you are toughing it out day-to-day. You wonder if you are making any progress at all. That’s the time to step back and look at where you were a year ago. When you expand the timeline, you are more likely to objectively evaluate the progress that you’ve made and it can be easier to see how the “little” day-to-day actions have added up!