I have noticed numerous publications and articles lately that have been about the subject of goal setting. This seems fitting given the time of year. A new year is a fresh start and a blank slate. The calendar stretched in front of us revives the senses for all things possible and our outlook on what we can accomplish is optimistic.
When setting goals, it is critical to evaluate how the goals we have are in service of our broader vision. Whether it be a vision for your business or your life overall, having a picture of what you want to move towards informs the actions to take, and perhaps even more importantly, what actions you should not take.
Recently, I was talking with a friend about the creation of a vision board – a visual depiction of what we hoped for in our future lives. We both remarked that we had, and are continuing to achieve, aspects of that vision and we both believed that the act of identifying, documenting and keeping that vision in front of us, helped make those things happen.
Articulating a vision answers a critical question – “what do you want?” I was asked this question a few years ago. The person looked me straight in the eye and point black said, “What do you want?” The question made me uncomfortable because I had not thought about this. It’s a big question and I froze because I did not know the answer. However, once I started to think about it, I realized that it’s an important and exciting question. Take the time to reflect upon this question. What do you want? Think broadly. Consider possibilities. Avoid limits. Imagine.
Putting a vision board together helps to take these ideas about what you want from the inside of your mind to a place of action. When the ideas stay inside of you, then all you have is dreaming. A vision without action remains as imagination. It is a declaration and an action that creates clarity of purpose. For some practical tips on creating a vision board, click here.
Once you have finished a vision board, post in a place where you will regularly see it and where it can inspire you to action. Then turn your mind to your goal setting and connect your goals to your vision. Be open to both of the planned and the unexpected opportunities to act.
In the words of Christian Nevel Bovee, “the method of the enterprising is to plan with audacity and execute with vigor”. Think big and go for it!