Leadership Insights

Leadership Insights2023-01-05T17:35:27+00:00

Seven Myths Negatively Impacting Your Team Communications

When you think of effective leaders with whom you currently work, or have worked with in the past, what stands out that  makes them effective?  We often ask leaders this question and regardless of level, tenure, or industry, [...]

Six Ways to Thrive in ’25

Have you ever taken time off, come back to work feeling refreshed and energized, only to have it last a day or two? Given that rates of burnout and fatigue have skyrocketed, this is, sadly, a common experience. [...]

24 Things We Learned (or Relearned) in 2024

We close out another year, grateful to do work that we enjoy with people who share our mission of helping teams and leaders build relationships, get results and make workplaces better. Even though our work is focused on [...]

When The Power of Position Gets in the Way

You had a 1-1 meeting with your boss earlier in the day about the implementation of a new software program your team is responsible for implementing and the timeline is at risk. Your boss told you what she [...]

You might have something in common with Taylor Swift

When people see Taylor Swift, they might see a dedicated songwriter, a record-breaking singer or an engaging performer. They may see a businessperson, a leader, or a marketer. How about a style icon, advocate or simply a kind [...]

Six Most Common Mistakes Leaders Make Giving Feedback

Do you remember receiving feedback that fell flat, left you feeling confused, or perhaps annoyed? Many team members have stories of receiving feedback that went sideways. Many leaders experience frustration with giving feedback and seeing it have no [...]

What are we doing with 100,000 hours?

An important piece of research in our work at SparkWorks is Gallup’s annual State of the Global Workplace Report.  Gallup is a leading researcher on employee engagement and their research gives an in-depth understanding of employee engagement in [...]

What Did You Say?

Raising a teenager can be hard some days. When my son was 15, we went through a rocky time and in one of our more intense conversations he told me point blank that I wasn’t listening. That statement [...]

Don’t be a boiling frog

Have you ever heard of the story of the boiling frog? If you put a frog in a pot of boiling water, it will jump out immediately. However, if you put a frog in a pot of warm [...]