Leadership Insights

Leadership Insights2023-01-05T17:35:27+00:00

Managing Meeting Overload

  If you ask any knowledge worker what a typical day is like, there is a high probability that they will say that they have a lot of meetings. In fact, they may also say that [...]

Know-it-alls don’t know what they don’t know.

Functional abilities – skills that are specific to a profession or industry – are overrated. Yes, overrated.  Easily and often. Let’s start with a given:  experience is a powerful thing. Maybe its experience with inventory, software, economics, heavy [...]

Soft Skills for Leaders

Recently I had the opportunity to sit down again with David Wojcik from the Mississauga Board of Trade. We talked about the importance of “soft skills”, or as I prefer to call them, relational skills, as [...]

Soft Skills Are Hard To Get

I dislike the term “soft skills.” Intently. “Soft” implies easy. You know what is easy? Talking about KPIs, ROIs…anything ending in I. You know what is hard? Looking in the mirror with a discerning and compassionate eye. It [...]

Culture Matters. Now is a Great Time to Act on It

  David: With the pandemic forcing organizations to change how they work, creating a positive workplace culture has become a priority for businesses everywhere.  And due to the massive shift in workplaces, it has given organizations [...]

Five Questions for Leaders in Challenging Times

We are being called to lead. Whether in our companies, communities or families, the opportunities are there for us to respond to these unusual and challenging times. For some time now, we have experienced a more VUCA world – [...]

What Kind of Discussions are You Having?

You are reviewing a project timeline and your Project Manager is responding to your questions with one-word answers. Your colleague just wrapped up a team meeting and while everyone seems in good spirits, you have a nagging feeling [...]