Use the “Stay interview” to retain staff.
Conversations with business leaders often include recounting their current struggles with recruitment and retention. Given today’s competitive labour market, these are two areas that are top of mind for many leaders. We recently wrote about 3 ingredients [...]
Good Things Come in Threes
In manufacturing, maintenance teams will perform preventive maintenance checks on the equipment needed to run production lines. The purpose of preventive maintenance is to assess a piece of equipment to ensure that it does not break down unexpectedly. [...]
The Power of Teams in a North Carolina Industrial Park
I saw the future of industry in a plant in Greensboro, North Carolina. You would never know it from the outside. The plant is nondescript. It sits in an industrial park. Nothing distinguishes it from the other operations…until [...]
The Importance of Connection at Work
You have on hand, and in abundance, an opportunity that every workplace needs. It will strengthen your team and positively impact your work experience. Did I mention that it’s free? I know. You are time-crunched. Your business [...]
Breaking Bread and Finding Purpose
I had a grandfather who owned an Italian bakery. As a child, I spent a great deal of time, especially in the summer months, running through that bakery. I remember looking up into huge ovens with row upon [...]
When Change Gets Personal
Whether one is initiating a change or is having to respond to change that has been thrust upon them, reactions differ. Some people move through change with ease while others struggle. We are pleased to feature a [...]
Flexible Work Arrangements are Here to Stay
It was well over 20 years ago that I did my graduate research on the emergence of the home office. While I am admittedly aging myself, it does give me pause to reflect upon the fact that [...]
Is every employee a good prospect for a flexible work arrangement?
The short answer is no. Despite the increasing popularity of flexible work arrangements, not everyone is suited for them. Therefore, it is important that organizations are able to assess when, and if, this option will be viable. Identifying [...]
The 80/20 Rule
At times, workloads can seem heavy and tasks can feel daunting. In this guest blog, Darcy Roberts shares a perspective that can help one focus in on the most impactful tasks and improve productivity. The 80/20 Rule, a [...]