What Kind of Culture Do You Want?
[music] David: Welcome back to Your Business on Newstalk SAUGA 960, I’m your host, David Wojcik. We hear the term all too often. We hear the term culture thrown around. We hear progressive culture, toxic culture, [...]
Which dynamic governs your workplace: compliance or commitment?
Recently, a client I was coaching said to me, “I have the experience. I’ve been there and I know what works and what doesn’t. I’m wasting everyone’s time by coaching my team to do what I already know [...]
A Letter to Boomers from a Gen X
Boomers, born between 1946 and 1964, are no longer the main generational cohort in the workplace. If you are in the workplace today, you have probably been deluged with generalizations about the cohort that came after my gang of [...]
A Letter to Millennials from a Gen X
As a Gen X (born between 1965 and 1980) I am sandwiched between Boomers (born between 1946 and 1964) and Millennials (born somewhere between 1981 to 1995). I’ll often hear criticism about Millennials however I don’t have [...]
Promoting a Team Member to Manager? Consider this.
Meet Joan. Every business, if they are lucky, has at least one person like Joan. She is the steady, reliable expert. She delivers. She solves problems. She is unfailingly positive. Naturally, she is a prime candidate for promotion. [...]
The Leadership Conundrum We Feel Every Time We Fly.
The script is the same, regardless of the airline carrier, but if you’re like me, these words jar me every time I hear them. [...]
Be THAT Person
Are you the person who can see what everyone else can’t see? What happens when you question the things that everyone says are “the way they are”? What does it mean to you, and to everyone with [...]
Don’t let these six myths undermine your business.
When I was a child, my family and I spent a lot of time at a family cottage during the summers. We are a large family so when we got together, there was a lot of food. At [...]
The Power of Questions
The ability to ask a great question is a critical leadership skill. The irony is that we’ve often been taught that we need to know the answers, particularly if we are in a leadership role. Finding the [...]